CLUB OF ROME SALON: Shaping a Sustainable World

Shaping a Sustainable World
International Collaboration & Transformation for a Healthy Planet

Monday, 18 March 2024
Hotel de Rome (Berlin)
Opera Court

Sandrine Dixson-Declève, Co-President, The Club of Rome; Co-Author, Earth for All: A
Survival Guide for Humanity
Luisa Neubauer, Climate Protection Activist and a Main Organizer of Fridays for Future in
Axel Berger, Chief Sustainability Officer, Franz Haniel & Cie. GmbH

Welcome Remarks:
Dr. Christian Reisinger, Managing Director, ConClimate GmbH
Jörg Geier, Member, Club of Rome and Program Chair/VP, ANSC
(Program Curation & Moderation)

Video Summary

Salon Impressions